Music, Cartoons, and Utter Chaos

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Kouga's Mission
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Sit Boy
Spirit Travelers
Horny Hanyou
Savior Of My Sanity
Wherever You Will Go
Day After
My Mutants
Hanging By A Tail
Nighty's Arrival
Nighttime Visitor
A Pharaoh's Kindness P1
A Pharaoh's Kindness P2
Mighty Pharaoh
Explaining Egyptian Past Lives To A Clueless New Lover
Hidden Hopes
Never Forget
Night Stalker
Pockytime Confessions
One Card Short
One Small Request
A Few Tricks
Demonic Angel
Kenshin's Ode 1
Kenshin's Ode 2
Hitokiri Battosai
B&B by Gojyo
Saiyuki Drabbles
Verbal Assult
My Art
Run Away!

Nighttime Visitor

Disclamer: The usual. Kurt belongs to Marvel. I gain no money. Anna belongs to me. I still gain no money, but I would like it if you asked me before using her.
Pairing: Kurt/Anna
 He said at my funeral that God must've needed another angel. He'd written in a rough draft of that speech : 'Why did He need mine?!?!.' Even now, dead and buried, I don't know the answer to that. But I do know that he's still pulling at my very essence and won't let me cross. I have to tell him to let me go, to move on with his life.

 My love in life is now laying in bed. He might not ever fall asleep. I never could understand how he could stare at the ceiling all night. The others were starting to notice this insomnia, and no one bottles emotion better than my baby. Except, perhaps me.

 "Kurt," I gently whisper, as I'm allowed to make myself visible to him.  

 "Anna," he whispers in disbelief. "Oh, Anna, how I've been missing you."

 "As much as I have been you," I reply. "But there's something you have to understand. You have to move on with your life. Let the grief dim itself. Don't hold on to it. Please."

 "How can I? I'm so miserable with out you."

 "Only because you make it so. We /will/ be together again. I don't know what the master plan is, but waiting seems to be part of it."

 "Anna, you'd be worth any wait."

 "Cliché as it sounds, I will always be with you," I say with a smile he returns. He puts his hand to my face.

 "Ich liebe sie," he states.

 "I love you too. Always and forever. But continue living, Kurt. Let me cross to the life well one day share."

 "For you. Until next we meet."

 "Until then, love."

 I then took it upon myself to reassume my spiritual state, invisible to his eyes. His hand dropped. Uncertainly, he laid back down. After a while, he did fall asleep. Tingles came over me. Finally.

"Until then, love."

Take it on the otherside...